Board Members

Brendan Kennedy
Descendant of the Murray River & Murrumbidgee RiverTraditional Nations Tati Tati, Latji Latji, Weki Weki, Wadi Wadi, Mutti Mutti, Yitha Yitha and Nari Nari (No No Tribes). Brendan has been reviving his languages for over 15 Years and has produced Language books, animations, digital Apps, language resources and language and art exhibitions. He has taught language in schools and early childhood centres in Robinvale and continues to share and create language learning opportunities for his North Western Victorian Aboriginal Communities.

Vicki Couzens
Dr. Vicki Couzens is Keerray Wooroong Gunditjmara; Senior Knowledge Holder for Possum Skin Cloak Story and Gunditjmara Mother Tongue. Vicki’s contributions in the reclamation, regeneration and revitalisation of cultural knowledge and practices extend across the ‘arts and creative cultural expression spectrum’. Vicki acknowledges her Ancestors and Elders who guide her.

Cheryl Drayton
Cheryl Drayton is a Kurnai Elder of Gippsland and VACL Treasurer/Director. Cheryl has over 30 years experience in Education and Health supporting Koori students years 7-12 and early childhood development; providing teaching guidance and counselling as well as Indigenous curriculum expertise. She has also held various strategic government positions for the Office of Aboriginal Affairs and the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Since retirement from the public sector, Cheryl continues to support her community in roles such as Dhelk Dja Family Chair Inner Gippsland.

Board Member
Aunty Carolyne Briggs
Aunty Carolyne is a Boon Wurrung senior elder and is the chairperson and founder of the Boon Wurrung Foundation. A descendant of the First Peoples of Melbourne, the Yaluk-ut Weelam clan of the Boon Wurrung, she is the great-granddaughter of Louisa Briggs, a Boon Wurrung woman born near Melbourne in the 1830’s. Aunty Carolyne has been involved in developing and supporting opportunities for Indigenous youth and has been proactive in developing strategies for the promotion and maintenance of Boon Wurrung culture and heritage for over 50 years. In 2006, she established the Boon Wurrung Foundation, which has been responsible for significant work in cultural research, including restoration of the Boon Wurrung language. The Foundation also helps connect Aboriginal youth to their heritage.

Language Advocacy
Gary Murray

Jade Kennedy
Artist, Sports player, teacher, sole trader and Father. Born on Mothers Noongar boodja, kinship connected to Wajak, Yuat and Kaartdijin. Grew up on the Murray River, upon his Great grandfathers’ Country of the Tatti-Tatti clan within the North-West Kulin Nation. Took to art, early whilst attending primary school. Learning and seeking inspiration from all art forms. Indigenous to the Renaissance, and even the modern contemporary and diverse pop culture. Worked on many Reconciliation Action plans, including Athletics Australia, Victorian Public Sector Commission Aboriginal Employment Strategies. Bain & Company and now currently working on the RAP statement for Coates Hire. Loves working in the schools, producing murals and social networking with teachers, whilst answering student queries towards cultural awareness and understanding of First Nation Peoples of Australia. Started the Dindi Thanggi Kuli (River Country People) Dance group. And looks forward to returning to the Murray River to continue his cultural practices.

Researcher, Advisor & Contributor

Dr Marcelle Scott is a conservator, educator and researcher with extensive experience across the heritage and education sectors. She has tertiary qualifications in cultural materials conservation, archaeology, and university teaching, and draws on each of these fields to investigate and deliver industry focussed interdisciplinary projects, research and curricula.